Bonus Scene

Castle Blackwood, England

“They are safe?”

Roland, Alden and Darien had been waiting for word from Eamon. When the sword master appeared at their chamber, he said nothing, only crooked his finger for them to come with him. All three quickly obeyed.

“They are safe,” he said, pulling the men into an empty alcove. “And are now husband and wife.”

“Poor Gareth,” Roland muttered, earning a not-so-kindly stare from the others. He shrugged, indifferent. “I simply would not wish such a state on myself.”

“I pity the woman you take as a wife,” Darien said. “Lured in by your visage and charm only to learn the truth.”

“Charm?” Alden asked. “Darien is charming. Roland is . . .”

He did not continue. Maybe because of the look Roland gave him. Or perhaps because of the one Eamon gave all three of the men. Either way, Alden cleared his throat and said to Eamon, “Do continue.”

“Why, thank you kindly,” the instructor said, not hiding his sarcasm in any way. “They were married on the steps of a chapel by a priest I know personally. His witness, along with mine and that of her maid’s, should help the legitimacy of their marriage claim.”

“That they’ve likely already consummated the marriage should help as well,” Roland said, earning him another look from Eamon.

“I will speak with Lord Ashcroft on the morrow,” Eamon said.

“Do you have any hope in swaying him to accept the marriage?”Darien asked.

“Very little, but I will try my best. He is a stubborn man, but I will keep you abreast of the situation.”

Already turning to leave, Eamon stopped and addressed them once more. “I returned with Evelina’s maid, who is under our protection. Do see she is well taken care of.” His gaze rested on Roland. “And I do not mean it in the way you likely took it. Am I understood?”

Both Alden and Darien said, “Aye,” at the same time. Roland, however, would not lie. He had many faults, but being false was not one of them. So instead, he offered an alternative truth. “I will go gently on her,” he said. “You have my vow.”

That Eamon readily accepted his words meant the man was distracted. With a grunt, he did walk away then.

“Go gently on her,” Alden muttered. “If she is comely, I know precisely how your gentleness will be rendered.”

Roland did not deny it. In the meantime, duty called.

“I promised one of the squires a private lesson.”

He raised a hand in farewell to the others and left them.

“You surprise me,” Darien called after him.

If only Darien know how many surprises Roland’s life truly held—but that information, he would not readily share with his friends. At least, not yet.


Preorder To Protect, book two in The Knight School Chronicles, on Amazon. Coming this April…